Element | Description |
ArcPad | The root element for all ArcPad XML statements. |
AUX | Used to specify AUX script subroutines to call when AUX events occur.The parent element for AUX port settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx. Used to specify script subroutines to call when AUX events occur. |
BUTTON | Used to define a Button control in a form. |
CHECKBOX | Used to define a CheckBox control in a form. |
COLOR | Used to define a color in a color ramp.Used to define a color in a color ramp. |
COLORRAMP | Used to define the color ramp in a gradient fill complex polygon symbol.Used to define the color ramp in a gradient fill complex polygon symbol. |
COLUMN | Used to define which columns from the related table are shown in the list view. |
COMBOBOX | Used to define a ComboBox control in a form. |
COMPLEXLINESYMBOL | Used to symbolize line features. Provides additional symbology options beyond SIMPLELINESYMBOL. |
COMPLEXPOLYGONSYMBOL | Used to symbolize polygon features. Provides additional symbology options beyond SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL. |
DATETIME | Used to define a DateTime control in a form. |
DECORATIONSYMBOL | Used to define a line decoration in a complex line symbol. |
DOMAINFIELD | Used to define a 'domain field' control in a form. This is a special control that is tied to a domain or subtype field in a layer form. |
EDIT | Used to define an Edit control in a form. |
EDITFORM | Used to define an edit form in an ArcPad layer definition. |
EXACT | Used with VALUEMAPRENDERER for matching exact values within a specified field in the shapefile's DBF table. When a match occurs, the symbol is drawn as specified for that EXACT value. |
FIND | Parent tag for stored Find tool queries in an ArcPad layer definition. |
FORM | Used to define an ArcPad form. |
FORMS | The parent element for defining an ArcPad form. |
GPS | Used to specify script subroutines to call when GPS events occur. |
GRADIENTFILL | Used to define the gradient fill in a complex polygon symbol. |
GROUPSYMBOL | Used to symbolize features with multiple symbols acting as a single symbol (e.g., a freeway line symbol consists of a group of 3 line symbols). |
HASHSYMBOL | Used to define a hash symbol in a complex line symbol. |
HYPERLINK | Used to specify the hyperlink properties of a layer in an ArcPad layer definition or ArcPad map file (*.apm). |
IDENTIFYFORM | Used to define an identify form in an ArcPad layer definition. |
IMAGEBOX | Used to define an ImageBox control in a form. |
LABEL | Used to specify the label font for ArcPad in ArcPadPrefs.apx and to define a Label control in a form. |
LAYER | When used in a layer definition, LAYER is used to define the layer's custom characteristics. |
LINEFILL | Used to define the line fill symbol in a complex polygon symbol. |
LISTBOX | Used to define a ListBox control in a form. |
LISTITEM | Used to define an item in a ComboBox or ListBox form control. |
LISTVIEW | Used to define list view of related tables in an ArcPad layer definition. |
LOCALE | Used to specify the codepage of the shapefile's .DBF table. |
MAP | Used to specify scripts to call when Map object events occur.When parent element is ArcPad, MAP is used in ArcPad map files (*.apm) to define maps. When parent element is SYSTEMOBJECTS, MAP is used to specify scripts to call when Map object events occur. |
MARKERFILL | Used to define the marker fill symbol in a complex polygon symbol. |
MARKERSYMBOL | Used to define the marker symbol in a complex line symbol.Used to define the marker symbol in a complex line symbol. |
NAVIGATION | Used to specify scripts to call when Navigation object events occur. |
OTHER | Used with VALUEMAPRENDERER as the default for rendering symbols that do not meet the criteria for any RANGE or EXACT values. |
OUTLINESYMBOL | Used to define the outline symbol in a complex polygon symbol. |
PAGE | Used to define a page of an ArcPad form. |
PICTUREFIELD | Used to define table fields used to store a photo path. Must be string fields. |
PICTUREPAGE | Used to define a picture page in a form |
QUERY | Defines a filter, or definition query, for an AXF layer. |
QUERYBUILDER | Parent tag for query fragments in an ArcPad layer definition. |
QUERYFORM | Used to define a query form in an ArcPad layer definition. |
QUERYFRAGMENT | Used to define a FIELD-OPERATOR-VALUE combination plus a logical operator to be used with the next query fragment (if present). |
RADIOBUTTON | Used to define a RadioButton control in a form. |
RANGE | Used with VALUEMAPRENDERER for matching a range of values within a specified field in a shapefile's DBF table. When a match occurs, the symbol is drawn as specified for each range. |
RANGEFINDER | Used to specify Rangefinder preferences and script subroutines to call when Rangefinder events occur.Used to specify Rangefinder preferences and script subroutines to call when Rangefinder events occur. |
RASTERFILL | Used to define the raster fill symbol in a complex polygon symbol. |
RASTERFILLSYMBOL | Symbolizes polygon features using the specified image as a fill symbol. |
RASTERMARKERSYMBOL | Symbolizes point features using the specified raster image. |
SCRIPT | Used in customization files (ArcPad.apx, *.apa, *.apl) to define scripts or specify an associated script file. |
SIMPLELABELRENDERER | Used for labeling features. A field is specified for labeling all features of a particular layer. |
SIMPLELINESYMBOL | Used to symbolize line features. |
SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL | Used to symbolize point features using one of the predefined symbol types: circle, square, cross, triangle, star, X, or diamond. |
SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL | Used to symbolize polygon features. |
SIMPLERENDERER | Used to display features using one symbol. |
SLIDER | Used to define a Slider control in a form. |
SYMBOLOGY | The parent element for symbology in an ArcPad map file (*.apm) or layer definition. |
SYMBOLOGYFIELD | Used to define a 'symbology field' control in a form. This is a special control that is tied to a layer's legend. |
SYSTEMOBJECTS | Used to associate scripts with ArcPad system object events.Used in applet (*.apa) files, default configuration (ArcPad.apx) files, and layer definitions to associate scripts with ArcPad system object events. |
TABLEFORM | Used to define additional ArcPad pages that contain tables related to the feature |
TEXTSYMBOL | Symbol used to label point, line, and polygon layers. |
TRUETYPEMARKERSYMBOL | Used to symbolize point features using TrueType symbols. |
UPDOWN | Used to define an UpDown control in a form. |
VALUEMAPRENDERER | Used to render features according to the value in a specified field. Based on this field, a value map can be created to classify data. |